As it turns out, the crazy hair leads to the gorgeous hair, as seen in our now 6-year-old, so our little one has hope.
"As parents, grandparents and caregivers, we can help the children in our lives develop emotionally, socially and academically by putting thought and care into the playthings that we provide them. Simple toys like blocks, dolls and wooden vehicles are timeless classics because they allow children the freedom to use their imagination instead of having the storyline dictated to them by the toy."Our two older granddaughters and I built a town the other day out of Lincoln Logs, Jenga blocks (which by the way are a really terrific block, as well as a fun game), a farm set, and various rubber and plastic animals. Buying toys that encourage the imagination, like blocks and building sets, are a terrific way to encourage imaginative play for kids who might otherwise just be interested in computer games.
"Because I don’t have a model of exemplary grandmothering in my life, I buy books written by grandmas, books filled with grandmotherly advice. I read blogs of grandmas excelling at the grandma gig. I nurture relationships with the grandmothers in my circle of friends, look to them as mentors, ask them for advice. And I even home in on fictional grandmother characters in books and movies. I file away for future use the things they do, say and are, that I as a grandma want to do, say and be."I agree that we need to be intentional about making ourselves the kind of grandparents we'd like to be. I personally had terrific grandparents here in my hometown, where we used to spend the night probably once a week, drink black cows, and watch Lawrence Welk. Wonderful times! I also had a grandma we visited in Wyoming, who taught us kids killer instincts for board games, and how to enjoy a good book.
This is a goal we've been working toward for a while, mostly because really fresh food tastes better than processed! Our favorite meat market is an Amish butcher who only provides grass-fed, hormone-free beef. I don't know if it's the grass or what, but that meat is good, good, good."Offer food with a history. Know the origin of the food that it is safe and free of added hormones, or chemicals, which serve as flavor enhancers. Go after food that did not travel thousands of miles; buy local and fresh whenever possible. The food tastes better and you can ask the farmer how the food was grown."